Stage 2...The Label Maker: 
A while back when we moved into our apartment, I came home from work to find Ryan amidst a heap of what looked like confetti grinning like a school boy who just won the playground kickball tournament. Apparently he had taken a little field trip to an office supply store and purchased a label maker. He spent the rest of the afternoon "making sure it worked" labeling everything from staplers to plastic containers. Ladies and Gentlemen, meet "Mr. Type A." At the time I just set down my purse, rolled my eyes and proceeded to let him have his cheap thrills so it would give me something to make fun of him for years to come. Turns out that it has been a little piece of wedding planning heaven. The aforementioned "post-it" piles have now been transformed into a "binder-o-bliss" neatly labeled into general categories. Each pile will find themselves neatly placed in a manila folder labeled according to their specifically assigned "sub-category" and will then be housed in their specific "general" category within the "binder-o-bliss". But we will save that excitement for Step 3...I am sure it comes as a complete shock to everyone that I would be the OCD in the marrying equation.

Looks like I won a little kickball tournament of my own :), good thing Ryan doesn't have a purse to set down, although I did catch him rolling his eyes...
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