Ok so I will try to make this short and sweet (It is definitely sweet but if it's not short then don't get mad because you asked!!!): It was Friday, December 5th. Ryan had told me that he had an early meeting that morning so he left way before I did. This is the ONLY night I am not it school till 10:00 pm so I actually get to come home at a decent hour. I got home from work and I walk into the apartment which is covered in flowers and a tea-light candle holder with about 20 tea lights all lit up (which he made the night before while I was at class).
As most of you know I am in paralegal school and I am studying for the LSAT and applying to law schools, so with all of that on my plate there was NO WAY I would have figured a proposal into the equation. I just thought all this ambience was created because we hadn't had much of a chance to spend any real time with each other. He was in the kitchen cooking dinner and said, "Hi welcome to date night!" Me being the smart ass that I am said, "Wow, we are at the old married couple date night stage already...FABULOUS?" and then quickly followed with, "Everything looks great, thank you." (don't worry he laughed at the smartass comment). Turns out he didn't have an early morning meeting he left really early to go to the Downtown LA flower mart. So we sat down and had dinner, followed by about a half hour of conversation, when I finally get up to go to the bathroom. When I got back to the table we sat for about another half hour just talking when I had realized that vase of roses on the table had been rearranged and there was a card sticking out of it (come to find out it was there the whole time I just didn't notice it).
So I say, "I thought you got these flowers at the flower mart?" and he says, "I did" to which I reply, "Then why is there one of those cheesy cards in the flowers like you get at a flower store?" "I put it in there," he replies, "Oh well I guess I better read it then," I say. So I open up the card and it says, "If you can find it..." So I looked at him with a classic "Sarah smirk" and the following dialogue takes place:
Me: "What are you up to (mind you I still didn't even think that is was a proposal)".
Ryan: "I don't know, why don't you find it?"
Me: "Find what?"
Ryan: "It"
Me: "Well since I have NO IDEA what I am looking for and you are SO GOOD at giving clues, I guess I will just start looking in all the flower vases (there were about 15), since that is were the "clue" is."
I then proceeded to get up and look through all the vases (he is still at the kitchen table). I get to our bedroom and there was a vase of white roses next to some lit candles on top of our dresser, where I see a little orange box. Now here is the point in the story, where you say, "C'mon Sarah you had to have known NOW!!!" Well the answer to that is NO I didn't and here is why: For my birthday earlier this year he got me a pair of diamond earrings from Costco and the box that their jewelry comes in is an orange wooden box, just like the one in the flowers. So at this point here is what is going through my head (mind you I didn't verbalize it, shocking I know!!), "You BIG JERK, you went out an bought me some expensive jewelry for Christmas when we explicitly said we wouldn't buy each other anything and I didn't get you anything THANKS ALOT PAL!!!" Instead what came out of my mouth was, "Ok I found something in the flowers, now what?" He proceeded to come into the bedroom and pull the box from the flowers and open it and say, "I wanted to know if you will marry me?"...TALK ABOUT DEER IN HEADLIGHTS!!!!! If any of you remember the look I had on my face at my surprise 30th birthday he and my family threw for me earlier this year, multiply that exponentially. When I am surprised I tend not to show too much emotion, rather I stand there for a few seconds with a totally confused look trying to asses the situation, so after what I am sure seemed like a lifetime to him a big smile appeared on my face and I started laughing uncontrollably while saying, "Yes, I would love nothing more than to marry you."
So that is the "Proposal Story".
If you are wondering about the "preparation" details, he asked my parents permission at the beginning of September when we went to Tahoe for a wedding. He knew about the ring because he talked to my sisters. About 4 years ago (I didn't even know Ryan) my brother-in-law asked my youngest sister and I our opinions on a ring that he wanted to propose to our middle sister with. My sisters and I then decided to exchange emails of rings we liked in "THE EVENT" we ever got asked, turns out my sisters kept that email. He knew my ring size (which I don't even know) because I was playing with his niece at some point in our 2 year relationship (I don't remember to particular play time incident) and we were playing with her jewelry. Apparently I put on a ring that fit my ring finger and he saw it, so he took that ring kept it with him (for I don't know how long) and had it sized so that he would know my size. The ring came to his office on Friday, which he later told me that is the only reason he went to work. However, he did keep the facade that he was at work because he was continually IM'ing throughout the day, which is how we talk to each other while we are at work. At about 5:00 PM he IM'ed me saying, "I am getting out of here. What time do you think you will be getting out of there?" so that he could guage how much time he had until I got home. At this point he had been home for hours setting up, he had just turned on our home computer and signed in to make it look like he was still at work. So there you have it!
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