First let me (Sarah) start off my apologizing for taking so long to post a new blog...It seems as though there actually IS life outside of wedding planning and if you ignore it, it comes CHARGING at you like a pissed off bull in a Spanish Bull Fighting Exhibition.
I would just like to thank my RAD parents and FANTABULOUS "Pre-Husband" who apparently agreed with my tactics of "calming nerves and promoting tranquil serenity amidst times of turmoil" as mentioned in my previous post (and at 6.3 frames/second I will be like a 24 hour zen garden of sorts). On the evening of February 4th, I came home to this little wrapped treasure.
This little nugget of fantasticness is guaranteed ensure rapid advancements in world peace...or quite possibly a sense of shear terror in my photographer that I will stalk her even more than I already do now (sorry Natalie, I will try my hardest to avoid having you file a restraining order against me :)!). Not to mention generate complete and total annoyance to Ryan as I take pictures of his every basic movement, which he HAS to be ok with because it's part of that whole "will you marry me" deal he signed! If anyone would like a visual as to my excitement upon opening this golden piece of extacy, Ryan harkens it to something like this (next to Kandee's video's, hands down THE BEST video on youtube):
In any event there is a point to this little side bar as it relates to wedding planning because I am so super excited to learn how to use it to record every moment of this little adventure. When I hold it and as I learn more about it is sparks a passion within me, like some how this is something that I was meant to do (even if all it ever becomes is a hobby). Within weeks of getting my new gift I recieved these two little pieces of encouragement.

Not that I take stock in fortune cookie messages, I just found them ironic given the fact that I don't really even like Chinese food but I found myself at PF Chang's twice in one week and these were my fortunes. In any event something come's alive inside knowing that I now have the opportunity to learn and hopefully one day share something that I have always loved. Classes don't seem like a painful induction to an educational coma and with each picture I take I am super excited to learn more. I actually have withdrawls if I go long periods of time (and by long periods, I mean days) without using it (the fact that I have NO IDEA how to use it irrelevant). So thanks again Mom, Dad and Ryan for not only the camera but the joy it brings to my soul!
Ok now on with "Searching for Real Estate...Part 2"